Who is Félix ?

felix debon

I am an experienced senior web developer with over 25 years of expertise, currently based in Bangkok. Throughout my career, I have worked in a variety of industries including game development, telecommunications, and aviation. I possess a wide range of experience in web development, utilizing various modern web technologies such as Angular, React, Redux, NodeJS, MongoDB, MeteorJS, HTML5, CSS3, Typescript, and Vanilla JS, to name a few.


My skills

Web development, project management and project owner, Angular, React, Typescript, HTML5, CSS3, vanillaJS ES5/ES6, NodeJS, Express, Jade, MongoDB, MeteorJS, Ajax, JQuery, Web socket, Git, Grunt, Webpack, Gulp, Stylus, sass, Bootstrap, Shell Scripting (korn shell), Python, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PL/SQL, GIMP, C, C++, C#.

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Play with my CV (game)


Some of my works



Find The Bunny This is the prototype of a personal game I'm working on in my free time. The rules are simple: once the hats mixed you have to find the rabbit. Game developed with Pixi js and Vanilla js.

Asteroids threat (CLICK HERE TO PLAY)


Asteroids threat is a simple 2D game developed with vanilla js. It was my first game. It's inspired by arcade games like Space Invaders and Asteroids. Read more.

I had a lot of fun in developing this game, my friends and my teachers love it ! Hide

Overlapping Squares Project


Overlapping Squares. This web site is concerned with a problem in combinatorial geometry in the plane. Roughly speaking, I’m interested in the number of ways in which N squares can overlap. You can find a full description here

Draw free polyominoes


Draw free polyominoes. In this page I calculate the free polyominoes in real time with a simple (and relatively inneficient) algorythm. The polyominoes of the generation N + 1 are calculated from the generation N. For each polyomino of the generation N, I try to add a square in every possible positions in order to create a new element for the generation N + 1. The polyomino created (and all its equivalent form found by translation, rotation, reflection) is compared to the polyominoes already found to determine if it's a new element.

Movie ticket reservation


A code challenge developed with React / Redux in May 2018. You can see the source code here

Connect four (CLICK HERE TO PLAY)


I developed this game in order to practice (and learn) ReactJS. Read more.

Connect four (also called Gravitrips in Soviet Union) is a two players strategy game. Each player drops alternatively a chip of his colors. The first player to align four chips wins. Extra features on this website : You can play against an artificial intelligence with 5 differents difficulty levels. If you think that a level is too easy you can try the next level but note that in "hard" level it is impossible to win if you let the AI play first... Hide


cv zombie 3
cv zombie 2

I invite you to discover step by step my CV as a scary brick breaking game. Developed with javascript.



This is a very simple responsive project developed with React js and css grid. It was a frontend code challenge I made in June 2018. You can see the source code here

Site back-office de l'application Clother


The back office web site of Clother developed with MeteorJS. Read more.

Clother is a shopping app designed for men and validated by women. The application allows you to shop by discovering that women prefer. Rather than spend hours in the store or weekend on the internet, you can find in a single app all the latest trends handpicked by experts. Hide
